2015-2016 Catalog

Academic Probation

A student enrolled in degree, diploma, or certificate programs are expected to maintain satisfactory progress toward the completion of requirements. Since a 2.0 grade point average is required for graduation in all programs, students are expected to maintain upward progress toward this average to be considered in good academic standing.

For purposes of determining academic progress, grade point averages are based on final grades received. To be considered making minimum academic progress toward successful completion, students must maintain the following minimum grade point average in relation to the number of credit hours earned:

Credit Hours Earned

Minimum Grade Point Average

8-15 SHC


16-23 SHC


24-31 SHC


32+ SHC




Students failing to maintain the average shown will be placed on academic probation and will remain on probation until student’s cumulative GPA reaches the standards of progress listed. However, if after one academic year the student is not demonstrating satisfactory progress, the student will be placed on academic suspension. The Director of Records and Registration will notify students by letter of probationary status and will advise those students to make an appointment with their academic advisor. The advisor will explore various options with students, including the following:

  1. Reduction of course load;
  2. Referral to Student Services for counseling;
  3. Tutoring assistance;
  4. Attending seminars on effective study techniques;
  5. Guidance into another program;
  6. Enrolling in additional preparatory courses; and/or
  7. Reduction of non-scholastic activities.

Students receiving VA benefits should check with the Veterans Coordinator about VA regulations.