2015-2016 Catalog

North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH) Classes

The College may offer courses delivered over the North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH). Faculty can use NCIH technology to provide instruction not only to students in the on-campus NCIH classroom but also students at distance sites, or students in Western Piedmont Community College’s NCIH classroom can receive instruction from a distance site using NCIH technology. In the NCIH classroom, the instructor and students may interact with each other via television, cameras, and a sound system that allows them to see and hear each other as though they were in the same classroom.

Courses using NCIH technology are more like traditional courses except that the instructor may be teaching from a remote location or Western Piedmont Community College may be sending instruction to one or more institutions at remote sites. Students at the local NCIH site may have classmates at other NCIH classroom sites across the state. Like other on-campus classes, the NCIH instructor and students primarily interact in a classroom situation at a scheduled time and location.

Students register for North Carolina Information Highway courses just as they would for traditional courses.