2017-2018 Catalog

Printing in Computer Laboratories

All students will receive a free $25.00 allotment per semester for the purpose of printing in the Library, the Academic Success Center, and the second floor of the Foothills Higher Education Center. This allotment will be tied to the individual student’s Western Piedmont computing account. This allotment will amount to either 250 black and white prints (.10 each) or 125 color prints (.20 each) or any combination of both amounting to $25.00, at no charge. If a student exhausts his or her $25.00 free allotment during any semester, additional blocks of copies must be purchased and added to their accounts. Additional copies may be purchased in minimum $5.00 blocks, at any of three locations: 1) the Library, 2) the Campus Bookstore, or 3) the Business Office.

A meter will show up on the open lab computer screen, every time a student submits a print job, to alert them to the remaining balance. At the beginning of each semester, free printing allotments will be reset to $25.00. Those students who have purchased additional copies during the previous semester will be given credit for those copies directly purchased, but the free allotment will always reset to $25.00.

Printing on classroom computers and in curriculum-specific computing labs is monitored, but is not charged to the student’s account. Printing control in these facilities is at the discretion of the instructor and/or divisional staff.