2018-2019 Catalog

Grade Points

SECTION AMENDED See Addendum for information effective Spring 2019. 

When the following grades are recorded, neither grades, credits, nor hours attempted will be considered in computing grade point averages (GPA) for graduation. Developmental courses (courses below 100 level) are not computed in the curriculum GPA and are not counted toward hours earned for graduation.


W: The “W” (Withdrawal) will be given to students withdrawing from a course up to the 50 percent point for that class. After the halfway point, a “W” grade will be recorded if the students were satisfactorily achieving the course objectives at the time of withdrawal; otherwise a grade of “F” may be recorded. See additional policy on the following Withdrawals.
IW: Same as above, but withdrawal is initiated by instructor.
I: The use of the “I” (Incomplete) is restricted to extenuating situations which prevent a student from completing course objectives. It is to be given only with a commitment by the student to remove the deficiency by the end of the following semester (not including summer term). At that time, the “I” can be changed to A, B, C, D, or F. “I” grades cannot be changed to a “W” (withdrawal). If a student does not remove the deficiency by the end of the following semester, the grade will automatically change to “F”. A student with two incompletes in a given semester will ordinarily be expected to take a reduced load until all work is completed satisfactorily. Students will not be allowed to register for a course or courses in which the “Incomplete” course is a prerequisite until the student receives a passing grade for the prerequisite course.
SC: The use of the “SC” denotes Satisfactory Completion of course objectives on Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory grading system.
NC: The use of the “NC” denotes Non-satisfactory Completion of course objectives on Satisfactory/Non-Satisfactory grading system.
NS: The “NS” (No Show) will be recorded for students who register for a course and do not attend at least one class meeting prior to the ten-percent point for that course.
AU: See Auditing Policy.
CS: The “CS” denotes Continued Study of course objectives. Students must re-enroll and continue study in the course to receive credit.
CR: See Credit by Examination Policy.
P: The use of the “P” denotes satisfactory completion of course objectives in DMA or DRE courses (Developmental).
R: The use of the “R” denotes non-satisfactory completion of course objectives in DMA or DRE courses (Developmental).