2018-2019 Catalog

Sex Offender Notification

According to the federal Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act, Western Piedmont Community College is authorized to notify the College community when knowledge is received that a registered sex offender is enrolled. This Act amends The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 to clarify that nothing in the Act can prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders.

The College developed the procedures below to increase the safety and welfare of students and employees by providing timely and appropriate notification of the presence of a registered sex offender. This notification shall be in accordance with applicable federal law and will be in such a manner that maintains safety without creating excessive anxiety among students and staff.


Upon notification from local law enforcement that a registered sex offender is enrolled, or intends to enroll at the College, the Dean of Student Services will take the following steps:

  • Obtain additional information, as necessary, from law enforcement;
  • Meet with the Chief of Security to review relevant information and assess safety issues posed for students, faculty and staff;
  • Meet with the offender to make him or her aware of the notification procedure. Other than the notification procedure approved by FERPA and the Department of Higher Education, registered sex offenders will receive the same rights and privacy protections provided to all students;
  • Advise the Vice President for Academic and Student Success and the appropriate academic deans of the student’s enrollment; and
  • Place a binder with Registered Sex Offender information in the Office of the Dean of Student Services on the main campus and the Office of the Dean of Workforce and Continuing Education at the Foothills Higher Education Center that will be available for viewing by the College community.