2022-2023 Catalog

Academic Advising

Amended: 6/7/22

The Vice President for Student Success and Support Services shall supervise the College’s academic advisory system.  Academic advisors and success coaches are College employees who help students plan and complete their academic goals.  Academic advisors and success coaches shall assist students with course selection and requirements for the program of study.

Academic advisors and success coaches can offer students opportunities to enhance their education by making them aware of the various resources available to them throughout the College community.  Academic advisors and success coaches play an important role in the educational progress of advisees by continually monitoring and evaluating their progression as well as helping them clarify their educational goals and values.

Academic advisors and success coaches shall be familiar with the Board’s policies and procedures as well as other academic issues including, but not limited to:  grading, course pre-requisites and the College’s academic program offerings.   


For more information, see Policy 05.01.040.

Advising Mission Statement:

Western Piedmont Community College academic advising engages, challenges, and supports a diverse student population to assist students in achieving their educational, career, and personal goals.

Advising Partnership:

New students to the College are received through Student Services located in Hildebrand Hall. A team of Student Services staff are available to orient new students to the College and through the enrollment process which includes available services and resources to maximize student success. Once the student has completed the enrollment process, the student is assigned an Academic Advisor who assists the student throughout their educational career at WPCC. Advisors assist students by providing information and resources; however, the student is ultimately responsible for planning and meeting academic requirements and deadlines. Students planning on transferring to another college or university should consult with that institution regarding the credits from WPCC that will be accepted by the receiving institution. Additionally, students are cautioned that the receiving institution may use a different method of computing grade point averages for admission or placement purposes.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Schedule advising appointments as needed
  • Come prepared to each advising session
  • Display respect for the advisor and have a positive attitude toward the advising process
  • Be an active learner by participating fully in the advising experience
  • Accept responsibility for your decisions and actions
  • Abide by the Student Code of Conduct
  • Become knowledgeable about academic programs, policies, and procedures and use available resources and services
  • Ask questions if you do not understand an issue or have a concern
  • Check all Student Communication Platforms and Degree Audit often to keep track of academic progress

Advisor Responsibilities:

  • Assist students in understanding the purposes and goals of higher education and its effects on personal goals
  • Understand and effectively communicate WPCC’s departmental policies, core requirements, and degree requirements
  • Be reasonably accessible and available to students
  • Encourage and guide students to define clear and realistic educational plans
  • Provide appropriate resources and referrals
  • Listen carefully to questions, concerns, and issues
  • Assist students in working with, and developing professional relationships with advisors, faculty and staff
  • Monitor and accurately document student progress towards meeting academic goals
  • Provide students with information about educational opportunities outside of the classroom
  • Maintain confidentiality and follow WPCC’s policies and FERPA regulations
  • Continually reassess study plan and courses in light of changing goals and overall academic performance
  • Uphold ethical standards during the advising process.