2024-2025 Catalog

Schedule Overloads

The minimum number of semester hours credit required to qualify as a full-time student is twelve (12). No student may take more than twenty-one (21) semester hours credit without written permission of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Workforce Development. Students enrolled in two or more segments of a condensed course sequence must obtain written permission to register for more than fourteen (14) credit hours.

Students requesting to take overloads must meet the following criteria:

  1. Students cannot register into an overload status in their first semester at Western Piedmont Community College,
  2. Cumulative GPA must be at least 3.0; and,
  3. Students cannot be taking developmental courses during an overload status.

Students must complete a “Curriculum Overload Approval Form” with their academic advisor. The form must then be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Workforce Development and forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration. If this form is not completed, and submitted as required, the student’s schedule may be adjusted by the Director of Records and Registration in order to drop the total credit hours below overload status.