2024-2025 Catalog

Work-based Learning

Work-based Learning is designed to give students an opportunity to receive college credit for on-the-job experience. The work experience, conducted under the direction of WPCC, must be significantly related to the student’s program of study. Work-based Learning students work from one to four semesters at part-time or full-time jobs with employers approved by the College. Academic credit is awarded for the learning experience that occurs during the work period. Students receive guidance from their Work-based Learning instructor and on-the-job supervisor.


Students enrolled in a program offering Work-based Learning for academic credit are eligible if they meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Students must be 18 years of age.
  2. Students must be enrolled in a curriculum program that provides a Work-based learning option.
  3. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative program GPA, and have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester credit hours within the appropriate program of study.
  4. Students must obtain approval from their advisor.
  5. Students must obtain approval from the Work-based Learning Coordinator.

*Some AAS programs will have additional eligibility requirements. Please contact Work-based Learning Coordinator for more information.

    Academic Credit

    A minimum work load of 160 hours per semester is required to qualify for the program. Generally, Work-based Learning students may earn credit toward the Associate Degree and Diploma programs. (See individual programs for maximum hours allowable.) Grades are awarded by the Work-based Learning instructor and are based on the student’s accomplishment of specific learning objectives, student reports, and employer evaluations.

    Application Procedure

    Interested students should contact the Work-based Learning Coordinator to schedule an interview. Students are selected for Work-based Learning based on the evaluation of information obtained from their application, transcripts, and interviews. Students already working must have the approval of the College and their employer.


    Students must have an approval form completed before registering for a Work-based Learning experience. Those students who are approved must follow normal registration procedures. Students are invited to inquire with the Work-based Learning Coordinator for more detailed information.