Cosmetology A.A.S.
The Cosmetology curriculum is designed to provide competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills.
Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/computer principles, product knowledge, and other selected topics.
Graduates should qualify to sit for the State Board of Cosmetic Arts examination. Upon successfully passing the State Board exam, graduates will be issued a license. Employment is available in beauty salons and related businesses.
Completion of the WPCC Cosmetology Program does not guarantee that the student meets all Board requirements (1200 to 1500 clocked hours in Cosmetology study) for licensure.
In addition to the WPCC program requirements, students must also complete the required number of hours and evaluations per the NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts to qualify to sit for the licensure exams.
Upon successful completion of this program, the student should be able to:
- Apply infection control procedures to the salon environment according to NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts Examiners
- Practice effective communication skills during a client consultation
- Practice proper steps of manicuring and pedicuring
- Demonstrate correct practices of skin care
- Perform basic hair manipulation techniques
Also see Career and College Promise for additional options for high school students.
General Education
Required Courses
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following
COM 110 | Introduction to Communication | 3 | FA, SP |
COM 120 | Intro Interpersonal Com | 3 | |
COM 231 | Public Speaking | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ENG 114 | Prof Research & Reporting | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Mathematics/Natural Science
Select 1 course from the following
BIO 163 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | 5 | FA, SP |
MAT 110 | Math Measurement & Literacy | 3 | FA, SP |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Humanities/Fine Arts
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 111 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 126 | Storytelling | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
HUM 115 | Critical Thinking | 3 | |
HUM 230 | Leadership Development | 3 | |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
REL 110 | World Religions | 3 | FA, SP |
Major Courses
Core Required Courses
Other Major Required Courses
Other Required Courses
Select 7 semester hours credit from the following courses
ACA 115 | Success & Study Skills | 1 | FA |
ACC 129 | Individual Income Taxes | 3 | FA |
BUS 110 | Introduction to Business | 3 | FA, SP |
BUS 125 | Personal Finance | 3 | FA, SU |
COS 121 | Manicure/Nail Technology I | 6 | FA, SP |
COS 127 | Natural Hair Care I | 6 | FA, SP |
COS 222 | Manicure/Nail Tech. II | 6 | FA, SP |
COS 224 | Trichology & Chemistry | 2 | FA, SP |
COS 228 | Natural Hair Care II | 6 | FA, SP |
MKT 120 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | FA |
PSY 215 | Positive Psychology | 3 | |
WBL XXX | Work-based Learning (up to 6 semester hours credit) | 1-6 | |
Total Credit Hours: 67