Horticulture Technology A.A.S.
The Horticulture Technology curriculum is designed to prepare individuals for various careers in horticulture. Classroom instruction and practical laboratory applications of horticultural principles and practices are included in the program of study.
Coursework includes plant science, plant materials, propagation, soils, fertilizers, and pest management. Also included are courses in plant production, landscaping, and the management and operation of horticulture businesses.
Graduates should qualify for employment opportunities in nurseries, garden centers, greenhouses, landscape operations, gardens, and governmental agencies. Graduates should also be prepared to take the North Carolina Pesticide Applicator’s Examination and the North Carolina Certified Plant Professional Examination. Students should consult their advisor for information about course scheduling.
Upon successful completion of this program, the student should be able to:
- Identify Ornamental Horticulture Pest (insects, weeds and diseases) and their lifecycle.
- Determine proper control measures utilizing an Integrated Pest Management Plan.
- Demonstrate proper and safe handling of pesticides.
- Identify plants listed on the North Carolina Certified Plant Professional Plant List by matching the plant material with the botanical name and common name.
Also see Career and College Promise for additional options for high school students.
General Education
Required Courses
ENG 111 | Writing and Inquiry | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following courses
COM 231 | Public Speaking | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
ENG 114 | Prof Research & Reporting | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following courses
MAT 110 | Math Measurement & Literacy | 3 | FA, SP |
MAT 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Humanities/Fine Arts
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following
ART 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 111 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
DRA 126 | Storytelling | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
HUM 115 | Critical Thinking | 3 | |
HUM 230 | Leadership Development | 3 | |
MUS 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 | FA, SP |
PHI 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
REL 110 | World Religions | 3 | FA, SP |
Social/Behavioral Science
Select 3 semester hours credit from the following
ECO 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | SP, SU |
GEO 111 | World Regional Geography | 3 | |
HIS 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
PSY 150 | General Psychology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
POL 120 | American Government | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | FA, SP, SU |
Major Courses
Core Required Courses
Other Major Required Courses
General Electives
Select 6 semester hours credit from the following courses
ACC 120 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 4 | FA, SP, SU |
ARC 112 | Construction Materials & Methods | 4 | SP |
ATR 112 | Intro to Automation | 3 | SP |
BIO 111 | General Biology I | 4 | FA, SP, SU |
CST 111 | Construction I | 4 | FA |
DFT 151 | CAD I | 3 | FA, SP |
ELC 120 | Introduction to Wiring | 3 | FA |
SST 140 | Green Building and Design Concepts | 3 | SP |
Total Credit Hours: 65