Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid Recipients
Federal regulations require students to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as a condition for receiving financial aid. These standards apply to all Federal Title IV aid, state grants, and institutional aid at WPCC. SAP is monitored at the time of application for aid and at the end of each semester (official calculation point).
I. Quantitative Standard (Cumulative Completion Rate)
The minimum completion rate is 67%, and is measured by comparing the total number of credit hours earned against the total number of attempted credit hours. Hours attempted are calculated as all hours enrolled per semester, minus hours dropped during the 75 percent refund period minus hours withdrawn during the semester. Hours attempted also include transfer credit hours accepted toward a student’s educational program at WPCC.
For example: a student who attempts 12 credit hours and successfully completes 9 credit hours is making SAP (9 credit hours divided by 12 credit hours = 75% completion rate).
II. Qualitative Standard (Cumulative Grade Point Average)
The minimum GPA is based on the cumulative number of credit hours attempted per the chart below:
1.25 for 1-15 credit hours attempted
1.50 for 16-23 credit hours attempted
1.75 for 24-31 credit hours attempted
2.00 for 32 or more credit hours attempted
III. Maximum Time Frame
Students must complete an eligible program of study within the maximum time frame, which is defined as 150% of the published length of the program. For example, if 64 credit hours are required to complete a program of study, the maximum time frame for this program of study is 96 credit hours (64 x 1.5 = 96). Developmental classes up to 30 credit hours are excluded from this calculation.
If it is determined to be mathematically impossible for the student to complete their program of study within the established Maximum Time Frame (MTF), the student will lose eligibility for financial aid at an official calculation point. Changing programs of study, withdrawing from courses, failing courses and incomplete courses impact the MTF calculation. Students are advised to contact a Financial Aid Counselor prior to changing programs of study or withdrawing from courses to find out the impact on their SAP status.
Change of Majors/Programs of Study
Students who change their major/program of study are still responsible for adhering to the 150% maximum time frame of the new program, and all previously attempted credit hours will be included in the calculation.
Students who decide to change majors/programs of study are advised to do so early in their academic program, and are advised to contact a Financial Aid Counselor before making the change.
Double Major
Only the primary program of study will be eligible for financial aid funds; however, all courses taken will be used in calculating the 150% maximum time frame for the primary program of study.
Additional Degrees
Students returning to WPCC to pursue another degree after graduating from an eligible program of study (Associate Degrees and Dental Assisting Diploma) will be given a new maximum time frame. All credit hours taken since graduation will be included in the new maximum time frame calculation.
IV. Additional Elements of SAP
• Letter grades of A, B, C, D, P and SC are counted as successfully completed credit hours.
• Letter grades of F, I (incomplete), NC (non-satisfactory completion), W (withdrawal), or IW (instructor-initiated withdrawal) are counted as credit hours attempted but not successfully completed.
• A letter grade of NS (No Show) is not counted as an attempted or earned credit hour. Audited (AU) credit hours are not funded by financial aid and are excluded from all calculations.
• Developmental credit hours (courses below the 100 level) are included in the completion rate and GPA calculation but are excluded from the maximum time frame calculation. Students may receive financial aid for developmental credits up to a maximum of 30 credit hours.
• Consortium credit hours are included in both the completion rate and maximum time frame calculations.
• All attempts of a course, including repeats, are included in the calculation for GPA, completion rate and maximum time frame.
• Students may receive financial aid for repeating a passed course one time.
• Students may receive financial aid for repeating a failed course a maximum of three times. Developmental courses are exempt from this policy.
• Transfer credit hours are excluded from the GPA calculation, but are included in both the completion rate and maximum time frame calculations. Students transferring from another institution are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress at the time of enrollment.
V. Eligibility Status:
Satisfactory status is achieved when the completion rate, GPA and maximum time frame requirements are met.
Warning status is assigned to students who fail to meet the eligibility standards for the completion rate and/or the GPA requirement. Students with a “warning” status may receive financial aid for one semester, provided all other eligibility requirements are met.
There are several conditions that may place a student on financial aid suspension. A student is placed on financial aid suspension at an official calculation point if:
• A student fails to meet the cumulative completion rate and/or GPA requirements at the end of a “warning” period;
• It is mathematically determined that a student cannot complete their program of study within the Maximum Time Frame (150); or
• A student with a “probation” status fails to meet the requirements of their Academic Plan.
This status is assigned to a student who fails to make SAP and then eligibility is reinstated as the result of an SAP appeal.
A student on probation maintains continued eligibility to receive aid by successfully following the conditions of their Academic Plan.
All Academic Plans require a 2.0 minimum semester GPA and a 100% completion rate for subsequent periods of enrollment, while in probationary status. The Director of Financial Aid, a Financial Aid Counselor or the Financial Aid Subcommittee may require a more rigorous Academic Plan for individual students based on the particular situation and content of the appeal. The requirements of a more rigorous plan are made in writing and signed by the student prior to disbursing financial aid. Academic Plans are monitored by the Financial Aid Office.
Notification of SAP Status
Each student’s SAP status is updated at the end of each semester after grades are posted. All applicants are notified via email regarding satisfactory, warning, suspension or probation statuses. However, failure to receive notification does not change the student’s status. Not enrolling for one or more semesters does not change the student’s status.
VI. Re-establishing Eligibility
There are three avenues for regaining eligibility for financial aid:
A. Paying on your own – To regain eligibility, the student attends WPCC (without financial aid) until they meet the GPA and completion rate requirement. To regain eligibility if on suspension or probation for maximum time frame, the student obtains a degree in an eligible program of study (Associate Degree or Dental Assisting Diploma).
B. Notification of a Grade Change – The student’s financial aid may be reinstated as result of a grade change, provided that as a result of the change, the student is meeting the completion rate, GPA and maximum time frame requirements. Per federal regulation, grade changes made during a semester (even if the grade change is for a prior semester) do not affect the SAP status until after the semester has ended.
C. Appeal Process – Students who faced mitigating circumstances may appeal the suspension of their financial aid. Mitigating circumstances are generally beyond the student’s control and may include a death in the family, injury or illness of student, or other special circumstances.
To appeal the suspension of financial aid, the student submits the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form to the FAO, explaining their failure to make SAP and what has changed to allow them to be successful in coursework going forward. In addition, the student’s academic advisor completes the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Degree Evaluation form, available in the FAO. All appeals require supporting documentation regarding the mitigating circumstances that contributed to suspension. Appeals submitted without supporting documentation are not be reviewed.
The Director of Financial Aid or a Financial Aid Counselor reviews the appeal and notifies the student, via the student’s WPCC email account, within 20 business days from the receipt date of the completed appeal. If the student finds the decision unsatisfactory, the student may appeal to the Financial Aid Subcommittee for further review, by submitting the appeal in writing to the FAO. The student has the opportunity to present their case in person to the subcommittee. The decision of the Financial Aid Subcommittee is final.
Students may submit only one appeal per academic year, unless submission of a second appeal is granted by the Director of Financial Aid. Students appealing the loss of financial aid as a result of exceeding the maximum time frame are limited to one appeal per eligible program of study.
Students seeking to regain eligibility for financial aid remain ineligible for assistance until the appeal process is completed and an affirmative decision has been made by either the Director of Financial Aid, a Financial Aid Counselor, or the Financial Aid Subcommittee. Students should be prepared to pay tuition, fees and other education expenses until notified that their aid has been reinstated.