2024-2025 Catalog

Student Grievances

In order to maintain a harmonious and cooperative environment between and among the College and its students, the College provides an orderly grievance procedure for the settlement of problems and differences. Every student shall have the right to present their problems or grievances free from coercion, restraint, discrimination or reprisal. This Policy establishes a procedure (Procedure 05.03.060.a – Student Grievances) to provide for prompt and orderly consideration and determination of student problems and grievances by College administrators and ultimately the President.

A grievance is any matter of student concern or dissatisfaction with the College’s control except: (a) student discipline matters regarding academic and non-academic violations (Policy 05.03.020 – Student Code of Conduct); (b) discrimination and unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual violence (Policy 05.03.040 – Discrimination and Harassment); (c) a grade appeal (Policy 05.02.050 – Grade Appeal); or (d) any other matter that has a specific grievance process outlined in that policy or procedure.

Student Grievance Process


            1.         Informal Grievance – Step One

In the event the alleged grievance lies with an instructor/staff member, the student should first go to that instructor/staff member and attempt to informally resolve the matter.  Both the student and instructor/staff member should have an informal conference to discuss the situation and document the attempts taken to resolve the grievance at this level.  In the event that the student is unsatisfied with the resolution reached at the informal conference, they may proceed to Step Two within five (5) business days after the informal conference.  Not proceeding to Step Two within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

If the grievance concerns issues unrelated to a particular instructor/staff member (for example, an issue with College policy), the student can skip the informal process and proceed to Step Two.

            2.         Formal Grievance – Step Two

If the grievance is not resolved at Step One (or, given the nature of the grievance, Step Two begins the process) the student may file a written grievance with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Workforce Development (“Vice President”).  The written grievance must contain, with specificity, the facts supporting the grievance and the attempt, if applicable, to resolve the grievance at the information level. 

The Vice President (or, depending on the nature of the grievance, another appropriate Vice President) shall review the written grievance and conduct whatever further investigation, if any, is necessary to determine any additional facts that are needed to resolve the grievance.  The Vice President shall provide his/her written decision within ten (10) business days after receipt of the grievance.  

In the event that the student is unsatisfied with the resolution reached by the Vice President, they may proceed to Step Three within five (5) business days after receipt of the Vice President’s written determination.  Not proceeding to Step Three within the time period will result in the grievance not being heard and the matter being closed.

            3.         Appeal – Step Three

If the student is not satisfied with the Vice President’s determination, the student may appeal to the President.  The appeal must be in writing, must provide a written summary of the specific facts and must contain any other documentation pertinent to the matter.  The President will conduct an “on the record” review and conduct any further investigation that is necessary to ascertain the facts needed to make a determination.  The President may, at his/her discretion, establish a committee to further investigate the matter and make a recommendation to the President. 

At the conclusion of the investigation and not later than fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the student’s appeal, the President shall provide a written decision to the student. 

     The President’s decision is final.