2024-2025 Catalog


Our Commitment to Students

At Western Piedmont Community College our focus is on you, the student. We are here to help you meet your personal, professional and educational goals, while at the same time meeting the needs of an ever changing, increasingly diverse community and workforce. Western Piedmont Community College is an open-door institution, and we encourage you to contribute to the College by participating in and leading campus clubs and campus activities and by serving, when possible, on college-wide committees. Our mission is to provide accessible, high-quality education that improves lives and promotes growth in our community. Our vision is to achieve excellence in teaching and in the programs and services we offer you. With your active participation in the learning process, we commit to the following:

  • To provide the best learning environment that our resources can support,
  • To design and provide the finest programs of study possible,
  • To provide support services which enhance your chances for success,
  • To provide opportunities to engage in civic activities which benefit the community through service learning,
  • To provide classroom and extra-curricular activities that promote critical thinking, self-esteem, cooperation, and diversity, and
  • To develop a competent citizenry by encouraging the democratic principles of academic freedom, fair play, team-work, and individual responsibilities.

       - WPCC Faculty/Staff Council

Welcome from the Student Government Association

Hello fellow WPCC Pioneers,

Welcome to a new and exciting year at Western Piedmont Community College! With your help, 2024-2025 promises to be an exceptional year as we plan activities and events to enhance your campus experience!

Our students, faculty, and staff all bring unique experiences and skills that enrich our educational community. As your elected representatives, we look forward to supporting this diverse environment on campus and helping each of you make the most of your time at Western Piedmont. We are here to help you attain your personal and academic goals.

Get involved in our campus clubs and activities where all members and volunteers are welcome! Stay informed about campus activities through your student email, campus monitors, and online at www.wpcc.edu. Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!

Do you have suggestions or ideas about how we can make Western Piedmont even better? You can contact our advisor, the Coordinator of Student Activities.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome Pioneers!

Student Government Association

Executive Council