2024-2025 Catalog

Work-based Learning - Work Experience in Your Field of Study

This program allows students to work in a job related to their field of study and receive college credit. The Work-based Learning office will assist in finding a job and help monitor the student’s progress throughout the semester.


Cost: Each hour’s credit in Work-based Learning is equivalent to one hour classroom credit and will be charged as such.


Any student enrolled in a program offering Work-Based Learning for academic credit is eligible if they meet the following minimum requirements:

1.  A student must be 18 years of age.

2.  Student must be enrolled in a curriculum program that provides a Work-based learning option.

3.  Student must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative program GPA, and have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester credit hours within the appropriate program of study.

4.  Students must obtain approval from their advisor.

5.  Students must obtain approval from the Director of Advising.

*Some AAS programs will have additional eligibility requirements.  Please contact the Director of Advising for more information.


Must register for Work-based Learning during regularly scheduled curriculum registration.


Director of Advising, Hildebrand Hall, Room 100-C


Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


(828) 448-3155


Appointments preferred