2024-2025 Catalog

Disability Harassment

Western Piedmont Community College prohibits any form of disability harassment involving any of its employees or between a College employee and a student of the College in the College relationship, whether it be in the form of a College employee harassing a student with a disability or a student with a disability harassing a College employee. The College has a firm belief and has established a policy that all employees are entitled to work and all students are entitled to learn in an environment free of discrimination based on a disability.

Any act, comment, or behavior which is of a harassing nature and which in any way interferes with an employee or a student’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment is strictly prohibited. Any students or employees who feel they have been subjected to harassment due to a disability may file a complaint with the Office of Disability Services. Complaints involving the Office of Disability Services should be filed with the Vice President of Administrative Services. Complaints involving the Vice President of Administrative Services should be filed with the President.