2024-2025 Catalog

Textbook Protection

Textbooks are an expensive and necessary part of your college education. Take the necessary steps to protect your investment. Place your name in ink on the inside cover and other obscure areas known only to you to be able to identify your books in case of theft.

Do not leave your textbooks, calculators, or book bags in unattended study rooms, hallways, library, dining area or unsecured lockers. Record serial numbers of calculators.

Thieves know where students leave their belongings unattended and take advantage of such an opportunity. Be suspicious of any person(s) hanging around storage areas, i.e. outside of the bookstore, with no apparent purpose.

If you see any suspect or illegal activity occurring on or about the Western Piedmont Campus contact:

Campus Security by dialing (828) 448-6196 or the Main Campus at (828) 448-3500 

Morganton Department of Public Safety at (828) 437-1911 (non-emergency number)

  • Be prepared to tell your name, location, and location and nature of the incident.
  • If you are in a safe location, stay there.
  • Do not attempt to interfere with the situation except for self-protection.
  • Try to note distinguishing characteristics of any suspects involved.
  • Also note a description of any vehicles involved; license number, model, make, color, occupants.

Other information regarding WPCC’s Security Department may be found on our website at http://www.wpcc.edu.